In Body Stress Release, we talk about three types of stress, Mental or Emotional Stress, Physical Stress and Chemical Stress.
Firstly we have Emotional Stress.
We all suffer from emotional or mental stress at some point in our lives. It could caused by major events such as bereavement, moving house, losing your job, or minor daily hassles like being late and stuck in a traffic jam, or simply having too much to do and feeling like things are piling on top of you.
We all able to deal with different amounts of stress on an ongoing basis, however for most people carrying too much mental stress will begin to take it's toll physically and mentally.
Secondly there is Physical Stress.
This is the stress we all place on our bodies in our daily lives. Physical stress can be caused by a repetitive action. A classic example is Repetitive Strain Injury.
Firstly we have Emotional Stress.
We all suffer from emotional or mental stress at some point in our lives. It could caused by major events such as bereavement, moving house, losing your job, or minor daily hassles like being late and stuck in a traffic jam, or simply having too much to do and feeling like things are piling on top of you.
We all able to deal with different amounts of stress on an ongoing basis, however for most people carrying too much mental stress will begin to take it's toll physically and mentally.
Secondly there is Physical Stress.
This is the stress we all place on our bodies in our daily lives. Physical stress can be caused by a repetitive action. A classic example is Repetitive Strain Injury.
I often see clients who have pain in there hands caused by too much time spent working on a keyboard, and the stress placed on their joints has caused RSI to flare up. Physical stress can also be placed on the body by an accident. If I see a client who has come to me with back pain, it is often the case that they have had a bad fall,recently or even in childhood, which has locked stress into their body, which is now manifesting as back pain. Poor posture is also a physical stress being placed on the body.
The last category of stress is Chemical Stress.
This happens when a foreign substance comes into contact with the body which causes it to become stressed. It could be be something as simple as a cleaning fluid with which the body reacts, causing headaches or neck pain. I have had clients whose headaches were caused by the brand of moisturiser, whose problems cleared up after some BSR sessions combined with changing brands. Another good example is hayfever where the body reacts with a foreign agent, in this case pollen.
The last category of stress is Chemical Stress.
This happens when a foreign substance comes into contact with the body which causes it to become stressed. It could be be something as simple as a cleaning fluid with which the body reacts, causing headaches or neck pain. I have had clients whose headaches were caused by the brand of moisturiser, whose problems cleared up after some BSR sessions combined with changing brands. Another good example is hayfever where the body reacts with a foreign agent, in this case pollen.